IPT258 OneHalf20 1/8th DIN Melt Pressure and Temperature Indicator Strain Gauge & Thermocouple Input



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IPT258 OneHalf20 1/8th DIN Melt Pressure and Temperature Indicator Strain Gauge & Thermocouple Input

Melt Pressure & Temperature Indicator, 1/8 DIN Panel Mount (96mm x 48mm), 5 Digit Dual Display, Strain Gauge and Thermocouple Input

IPT258 Datasheet (PDF)


The IPT258 Melt Pressure and Temperature Indicator with strain gauge and thermocouple input features dual 5 digit simultaneous display of process melt pressure and temperature. It is available with up to three fully programmable alarms for either pressure or temperature, 4-20mA or 0-10Vdc process pressure value re-transmission, and MODbus communications.

The IPT258 Melt Pressure and Temperature Indicator offers simplified user functionality with front panel buttons for Zero, Peak, and Manual Alarm Reset. The indicator is a compact 1/8 DIN (96 x 48 mm) package.


  • 2.0 – 4.0 mV/V strain gauge input, and J, K, or E thermocouple input
  • Low cost unit with pushbutton or Windows based programming
  • PSI, bar, MPa, Kgf/cm2, ºC or ºF user selectable units of measure
  • 5 digit dual display with 1 PSI, 0.1º resolution
  • Peak detection for both melt pressure and temperature


  • dual pressure & temperature display
  • Easy-to-use
  • Simplified calibration
  • Pressure value re-transmission
  • Auto-Zero button

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